ID2600 XDS Fuel Injector


SKU: STINJID2600.14.14.O Category: Tags: , ,



Quite Simply the finest quality injector on the market for racing engines. Dual Slope Matching means these injectors are matched both on the main slope of the injector delivery curve but also on the lower non linear slope. That means very consistent fuel volumes cylinder to cylinder even at idle pulsewidths

Flows 2600 cc/min at 43.5 PSID or up to 3810 cc/min at 100 PSID – High Impedance (can run multiples on single injector drives)

Compatible with Methanol/Ethanol and Non MTBE Gasolines. Not compatible with Nitromethane – This injector has been used to provide over 4000 Horsepower on Methanol in a Drag Race Twin Turbo Pro Mod at 5.54 elapsed time and 273 miles per hour.